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The MFBT Story

The concept of Meant for Big Things came about during my freshman year of college while abroad in Switzerland. My friends and I rented a boat and jumped into Lake Lugano. As I resurfaced and looked up at the mountains, I realized the vastness of the world, the excitement of the unknown, and the potential to achieve the extraordinary. At this moment, I felt Meant for Big Things.


Capitalizing on this newfound energy, I enrolled in various self-improvement programs where I encountered a message that deeply resonated with me: being “made for greatness.” This message reinvigorated how I felt in Lake Lugano and I felt compelled to share it with others. I wanted people to realize they were Meant for Big Things and had the ability to unlock their full potential. A friend’s suggestion to make a podcast channeled that energy into something shareable.

I act on inspiration, so that very day I sat down and recorded the first episode of the Meant for Big Things podcast. The podcast quickly spread globally and gained a substantial following. Aiming to spread the message further and in different avenues, I created merchandise. The merchandise skyrocketed awareness of Meant for Big Things and continues to serve as tangible motivation for people to put on and feel empowered. The merchandise has become particularly popular on my college campus and represents a greater purpose to clothing. You can read why others wear MFBT merchandise on the website homepage!


Building on the community the podcast and merchandise fostered, I began hosting Meant for Big Things meetups on my college campus. These events feature student speakers and unite attendees under the shared goal of self-improvement, allowing them to connect with like-minded individuals and engage in peer-to-peer learning. 


To create connections among those online, I built a virtual community through the Meant for Big Things Instagram page. This page features educational content, motivational messages, and highlights why individuals are Meant for Big Things.

These segments come together to prime individuals with positivity, motivation, and inspiration to live a life Meant for Big Things!


You are Meant for Big Things!

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